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Showing posts with the label chronickidneydisease ayurvedictreatment naturalhealing soberliving healthtransformation inspirationalstory hopeforrecovery ayurvedickidneyhealing

Karma Ayurveda Treatment Saved My Life: My Story of Overcoming Chronic Kidney Disease

Hi, my name is Ramesh Jha from Delhi. I was suffering from chronic kidney disease, and my situation was getting worse day by day. Then, I went to Karma Ayurveda one day, and since then, my life has changed completely. Let me share my story with you on how I went from being an alcoholic to a totally sober person and how my Kidneys are back to functioning normally. Please tag along, and I hope you don’t make the same mistake. When I was in my first year of college, I started drinking occasionally with friends. We used to hang out and party often. Initially, I started drinking only to enjoy the company of my friends and also wanted to see how it feels when you are drunk. We used to get drunk and do a lot of crazy things. It was the best time of my life. But, without any realization, I became an addict. That is when the problem started. From drinking once or twice a month, I shifted to drinking once a week, and soon I was binge drinking. I was indulged in too much smoking and drinking. Wha...