Hi, my name is Ramesh Jha from Delhi. I was suffering from chronic kidney disease, and my situation was getting worse day by day. Then, I went to Karma Ayurveda one day, and since then, my life has changed completely. Let me share my story with you on how I went from being an alcoholic to a totally sober person and how my Kidneys are back to functioning normally. Please tag along, and I hope you don’t make the same mistake.
When I was in my first year of college, I started drinking occasionally with friends. We used to hang out and party often. Initially, I started drinking only to enjoy the company of my friends and also wanted to see how it feels when you are drunk. We used to get drunk and do a lot of crazy things. It was the best time of my life. But, without any realization, I became an addict. That is when the problem started. From drinking once or twice a month, I shifted to drinking once a week, and soon I was binge drinking.
I was indulged in too much smoking and drinking. What started just as some teenage fun turned into something life-threatening. Deep inside, I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop. The friends with whom I started drinking were also now backing out from the friendship as I was an addict, and nobody wanted to hang out with an addict. Even my family members used to scold me. Well, they were not wrong. I deserved every bit of it.
I knew I was prone to other health issues as well. I was feeling a minor irritation while urinating, and I also noticed some swelling in my body, mainly in the feet. I started to lose weight rapidly. From 60 kg, I was down to 50 kg without any exercise or diet. I used to feel lethargic all the time and couldn’t even move an inch. I just used to lie in my bed the whole day. It was a height for my mental as well as physical health.
I started spending more and more time in my room with my alcohol and smokes. I rarely used to go out; even if I used to go, it was only because I ran out of alcohol. It was taking a toll on my health. Slowly, even my parents stopped talking to me, and that was it for me. This motivation was enough for me to quit everything and lead a happy and healthy life. I went up to my parents and asked them to suggest me something and please make me healthy again. They then suggested Karma Ayurveda.
The following day, we went to Karma Ayurveda Hospital and met with the doctors. He suggested some tests before starting the treatment. After 24 hours, we had the reports and went to them again. The reports were terrible, and it was heartbreaking for my family. My parents were very sad upon seeing the reports. The reports showed that my kidneys were damaged, and my creatinine levels were nine by the time. It was a warning sign for me, after this, there was no coming back. My kidneys couldn’t handle any more damage. Karma ayurveda patient negative reviews.
I was admitted to Karma Ayurveda, and they started the treatment. I was initially worried about seeing their treatment because it was completely opposite from my regular lifestyle. But this is the beauty of Ayurvedic treatment. They focus on the disease and work on eradicating the problem completely. They focus on the symptoms and cure them. The doctors asked me to follow a healthy lifestyle along with the medicines. I was entirely off alcohol and smoking. I won’t lie, but there were very strong urges, and I wanted to run away many times. But the doctors handled it pretty well. Every time I had an urge, they asked me to meditate. I started meditating and exercising daily. It was becoming a part of my habits. Gradually, my urges were also going downhill, and there was a moment I had no urge to smoke or drink. I started focusing on my diet. The medicines were also showing their effects.
After six months, doctors conducted another test to check the progress. The reports were very impressive, and my creatinine level was also getting better. I didn’t leave working out and meditating and also kept following a healthy diet. After some time, we conducted another test, and our happiness knew no bounds. My kidneys were back to normal, and my creatinine levels were normal too. Is Karma ayurveda good or bad.
I couldn’t thank Karma Ayurveda enough. They have changed my life entirely. I am a completely different person now; even my family is happy with me. I would suggest Karma Ayurveda to each and every one of you looking for kidney treatment. Instead of going for allopathic treatment, I would always suggest Ayurvedic treatment. The most significant flex is that this treatment is 100% natural and has no side effects. Another advantage is that the kidneys are treated without any dialysis or transplant.
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